Engaging digital environment by NAKA

An event by French-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry

On November 3rd, NAKA was one of the sponsors of the French-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry event in Madrid, Spain. The purpose of the event was meant to connect companies from both Spain and France, serving as a meeting point to boost the economic relations between those countries.

Source: French-Spanish Chamber of Commerce and Industry

NAKA decided to propose, specifically for the occasion, a different, innovative way to connect individuals, using the latest technologies available on the market.

A NAKA booth was placed in the event, providing a personalized experience for every attendee that showed interest. The experience was built upon two different spaces, showcasing the modern and technological approach that NTT Data provides to their business collaborators. As disruptive as it was, NAKA also maintained an artistic – and cultural – figure, a digital version of a menina.

Source: NAKA
Source: NAKA

NAKA built an engaging digital environment, focusing on the personalization of the experiences for every user, while efficiently being able to re-use scenes, scenarios and 3D objects from previous projects.

 The experience began in an open space, where attendees could interact with videos and imagery from past editions, as well as engaging in virtual activites, looking for the meninas hidden in that virtual space. These activities fostered interaction and communication between attendees, concluding in some intense – and fruitful – relationships between individuals.

Source: NAKA

After the interactive activities located in open space, users accessed the virtual NTT Data building, where NAKA showed NTT Data’s purpose of value, technologies and resources, in an interactive and disruptive way.

The virtual activities just mentioned were a success among the users that evening. The resources were easy to interact with, fun and reliable (even Felipe García-Bañón, the menina artist, formally congratulated NAKA on the astonishing resemblance of the menina’s digital twin).

Even so, the most enjoyed facet of the experience was the astonishing ease of communication between individuals that was carried out in amazing and unique scenarios, never experienced before by many of the attendees.

Source: NAKA
Source: NAKA

This immersive experience is just a glimpse of what can be done, at scale, for companies and businesses that want to digitalize their processes and purpose, diving head-first into innovation and digital communications.

As of today, challenges for companies that could potentially be solved thanks to XR are starting to pile-up. NAKA is a pioneer solution in eliminating risks, danger, and enhancing investment efficiency thanks to the use of XR in employee training. The market projects endless possibilities, and NAKA will keep disrupting employee-training activities while continuously learning and improving to provide the best experience possible.

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